
Advocacy is the process through which we support the integration of ESG topics into the actions of governments, regulators and standard-setters

Etica Sgr e il crowdfunding

Why advocacy is important

Etica Funds speaks out on social, economic and legislative policies to direct resource distribution towards sustainable practices.

In line the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI),[1], we aim to:

  • establish dialogue with sovereign issuers, so that countries’ sustainability commitments become more than mere statements of intent;
  • help sovereign issuers to better understand investors’ expectations on ESG issues;
  • promote engagement among investors, sovereign issuers and other stakeholders to facilitate more sustainable growth methods.

Etica Funds’ international campaigns

[1] ESG engagement for sovereign debt investors


Before subscribing, please read the KIDs and Prospectus available from placing agents.

The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.