Etica Impatto Clima – class I fund

The fund belongs to the Assogestioni category Balanced. It invests a maximum 60% in global equities and the rest in bonds and green bonds. The fund has a specific focus on the transition to a low carbon economy. The fund has sustainable investment objectives pursuant to Article 9 of SFDR.

Futuri Responsabili


1146.156 mln € (19-02-2025)

€ 6.417 (19-02-2025)


Synthetic risk indicator
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Lower risk Higher risk

The risk indicator assumes you keep the product for 4 years. For further details, please refer to the KID.


50% MSCI World ESG Universal Net Total Return (in Euro)
30% JP Morgan EMU
20% ICE BofA Euro Treasury Bill Index





Strengthsfondo etica impatto clima

It diversifies investment balancing global equity market and bond market, with particular attention to the transition to a low carbon economy. The aim is to create medium-long term performance for investors based on the real economy and favouring businesses and countries that adopt virtuous practices. For this reason the fund is actively managed against a market benchmark. Analysis of the issuers’ sustainability from an environmental and reputational standpoint provides a further level of risk control.

Fund’s sustainable investment objective

The fund’s objective is an annual average value of E risk, calculated on the 12 month-end figures of the securities portfolio, not exceeding 80% of the theoretical maximum risk. You can learn more about the methods used to evaluate, measure and monitoring the environment and social characteristics or the impact of sustainable investments in the section: Responsible investment.


Management fee (annual) 0,80%
Initial, exit, switch and performance fees None
Fixed costs None
Modalità di sottoscrizione
Initial minimum 500.000 Euro
Additional -
Microfinanza e crowdfunding
Discretional contribution of 0.1% of the investment in favor of a guarantee fund for microfinance projects


Performance Cumulative Annualised
YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years 3 years 5 years 10 years
Fund 2.236.848.0813.722.622.60
Discrete annual
  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Fund 6.07 7.62 -11.85 12.38 0.84 12.78
Benchmark 13.70 12.53 -11.52 13.33 5.73 16.47

Data updated on 19-02-2025

Other relevant information
Where performance data is not available for a full calendar year, the data is insufficient to provide retail investors with a useful indication of such past performance.


From 1 April 2022, the benchmark selected to manage the fund and to assess its risk is composed as follows: 50% MSCI World ESG Universal Net Total Return (in euro), 30% JP Morgan EMU, 20% ICE BofAML Euro Treasury Bill Index. Until 31 March 2022, the Fund’s benchmark was: 50% MSCI World Net Total Return (in euro), 30% JP Morgan EMU, 20% Ice BofAML Euro treasury Bill Index.

Performance scenarios

One-time investment (IP)
Example investment: Euro - Recommended holding period: - years
Scenarios Withdrawal after 1 year Withdrawal after - years
Stress Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Unfavourable Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Moderate Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Favourable Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Regular Savings Plan (PAC)
Example investment: Euro - Recommended holding period: - years
Scenarios Withdrawal after 1 year Withdrawal after - years
Stress Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Unfavourable Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Moderate Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Favourable Possible return net of costs Average annual return - -
Value invested over time - -

Data updated on -

Historical NAV

Period from ---------- to ----------
Fund Date Unit €


Data updated on

Data in % NAV.

Data in % NAV.

Data in % NAV.

Data in % NAV.

Period Fund
Period Fund Benchmark

Data updated on

Data in % NAV.

Data updated on

Description Fund

Data updated on

The data are estimated on the basis of internal sources and may diverge from the figures reported in the official documentation for each fund.


The placement of the “Sistema Valori Responsabili” and “Sistema Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.

Performance and portfolio data are provided by the delegated fund manager: Anima Sgr.
Methodological note for the data presented.


Before subscribing, please read the KIDs and Prospectus available from placing agents.

The placement of the “Linea Valori Responsabili” and “Linea Futuri Sostenibili” funds is only available in Italy. For further information, please refer to the Italian version of the website.


Marketing communication from Etica Sgr S.p.A.
Investors should conclude an investment transaction involving the Etica Bilanciato Fund only after having fully understood their overall characteristics and degree of exposure to related risks, by carefully reading the Prospectus and the key investor information document (KID), which, together with information on sustainability pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088, can be found at The investment specifically concerns the acquisition of shares in the fund and involves risks related to possible changes in the share values, which are, in turn, affected by fluctuations in the value of the financial instruments in which the fund’s resources are invested. Investing in the Etica Bilanciato Fund offers no guarantee of return and does not ensure the repayment of initially invested capital. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Any future returns are subject to taxation, which is based on the personal situation of each investor and may change in the future.
The investment goals, situation and financial needs of potential recipients have not been taken into account in the drafting of this communication. It can therefore in no way be interpreted as investment advice. The recipients of this communication assume full and absolute responsibility for the use of the information it contains, as well as for any investment decisions made on the basis thereof, since any use of the information as support for investment decisions is not permitted and is at the investor’s own risk.