A sustainable and responsible finance
Our ethical and responsible investment solutions aim to deliver medium-long term performance opportunities based on the real economy and rewarding businesses and countries that adopt virtuous environmental, social and governance practices (ESG).
Institutional investors (including banks, brokerages, SGRs, insurance companies, investment funds, SICAVs, pension and insurance funds, central and local governments) have access to the Luxembourg Range and the Italian Range.
Our funds
Etica provides a range of investment solutions that not only meet the stringent standards of ESG Analysis, but also cover interesting medium-long term risk/return profiles.
The defining characteristic of our funds is the scrupulous screening of the securities that make up the portfolios. The concept of sustainable and responsible investing is grounded on the selection of issuers that demonstrate their sustainability not only financially, but also in terms of social and environmental factors and good governance.

By choosing our funds, you are not only investing in businesses and sectors selected for their adherence to the principles of social and environmental responsibility, but you can also count on:
An interesting risk/return profile and a long and competitive track record.
A simple and transparent fee structure.
A dedicated sales team whose job it is to make it easy to initiate and manage the investment.